Building Dynamic Components with Vue.js

 Building Dynamic Components with Vue.js

Vue.js makes it easy to create dynamic components that can change based on user input or other external factors. In this tutorial, we'll cover the basics of building dynamic components in Vue.js, including how to use dynamic props and slots to create flexible and reusable components.

Setting up the Project

Before we dive into building dynamic components, let's set up a new Vue.js project. Open your terminal and run the following command:


vue create dynamic-components

This will create a new Vue.js project called dynamic-components. Once the project is created, navigate into the project directory and start the development server with the following commands:


cd dynamic-components

npm run serve

Now that our project is set up, let's create a new component.

Creating a Dynamic Component

Create a new file called DynamicComponent.vue in the src/components directory. This component will accept a dynamic prop called content that will determine what content is displayed inside the component.




    <h2>{{ title }}</h2>





export default {

  name: 'DynamicComponent',

  props: {

    title: {

      type: String,

      required: true





In this code, we've defined a new Vue.js component called DynamicComponent. The component has a single required prop called title that will be used to display a title at the top of the component. The component also has a slot that will be used to display dynamic content.

Using the Dynamic Component

Now that we've created our dynamic component, let's use it in a parent component. Create a new file called App.vue in the src directory, and add the following code:




    <DynamicComponent :title="title">

      <p>{{ content }}</p>





import DynamicComponent from './components/DynamicComponent.vue';

export default {

  name: 'App',

  components: {



  data() {

    return {

      title: 'Dynamic Component Example',

      content: 'This is some dynamic content!'





In this code, we're using the DynamicComponent we created earlier. We're passing in a title prop with the value Dynamic Component Example, and we're using the component's slot to pass in dynamic content.


Dynamic components are a powerful feature of Vue.js that allow you to create flexible and reusable components that can adapt to changing circumstances. By using dynamic props and slots, you can create components that can display different content depending on user input or other external factors. With Vue.js, creating dynamic components is easy and intuitive, making it a great choice for building complex and interactive web applications.

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