Building a Blog with Django: A Complete Tutorial

 Django is a powerful web framework that allows developers to quickly build complex web applications. In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of building a blog using Django. We'll cover everything from setting up a Django project to creating a database schema, creating views and templates, and deploying the blog to a production environment.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following installed:

Python (version 3.6 or higher)

Django (version 3.0 or higher)

A text editor or IDE of your choice (we recommend PyCharm or Visual Studio Code)

Step 1: Create a Django Project

To create a new Django project, run the following command:


django-admin startproject myblog

This will create a new directory called myblog with the basic structure of a Django project.

Step 2: Create a Django App

Now that we have a Django project, we need to create a new app within the project to handle the blog functionality. Run the following command:


python startapp blog

This will create a new directory called blog within the myblog directory.

Step 3: Define the Database Schema

Next, we need to define the database schema for our blog. Open the blog/ file and define the following models:


from django.db import models

from django.contrib.auth.models import User

class Post(models.Model):

    title = models.CharField(max_length=255)

    slug = models.SlugField(max_length=255, unique=True)

    author = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

    body = models.TextField()

    created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)

    updated = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)

    class Meta:

        ordering = ['-created']

    def __str__(self):

        return self.title

This model defines a Post object with a title, a slug (used in the URL), an author (a foreign key to the built-in User model), a body (the content of the post), and timestamps for when the post was created and last updated.

Step 4: Create the Database Tables

Now that we've defined our models, we need to create the database tables. Run the following command:


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python makemigrations

python migrate

This will create the necessary database tables for our blog.

Step 5: Create Views and Templates

Now that we have a database schema, we need to create views and templates to handle displaying the blog posts. In the blog/ file, define the following view:


from django.shortcuts import render

from .models import Post

def post_list(request):

    posts = Post.objects.all()

    return render(request, 'blog/post_list.html', {'posts': posts})

This view retrieves all of the Post objects from the database and passes them to the blog/post_list.html template.

Next, create the blog/post_list.html template with the following code:


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{% extends 'base.html' %}

{% block content %}

  <h1>Blog Posts</h1>


    {% for post in posts %}


        <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>

        <p>{{ post.body }}</p>

        <p>By {{ }} on {{ post.created }}</p>


    {% endfor %}


{% endblock %}

This template extends a base template (base.html) and iterates over the posts variable passed from the view to display a list of blog posts.

Step 6: Define URLs

Now that we have views and templates, we need to define URLs to map to those views. In the myblog/ file, define the following URL patterns:


from django.urls import path

from blog.views import post_list

urlpatterns = [

    path('', post_list, name='post_list'),


This URL pattern maps the root URL (/) to the post_list view.

Step 7: Run the Development Server

Now that we've defined our views, templates, and URLs, we can run the development server to test our blog. Run the following command:


python runserver

This will start the development server on port 8000. Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000 to see the list of blog posts.

Step 8: Create a New Blog Post

Now that we have a working blog, we need a way to create new blog posts. In the blog/ file, define the following view:


from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404, redirect

from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required

from .models import Post

from .forms import PostForm


def post_new(request):

    if request.method == 'POST':

        form = PostForm(request.POST)

        if form.is_valid():

            post =

   = request.user


            return redirect('post_detail', slug=post.slug)


        form = PostForm()

    return render(request, 'blog/post_edit.html', {'form': form})

This view uses a PostForm form to create a new Post object when the form is submitted. If the form is valid, the view saves the Post object to the database and redirects to the post_detail view for the new post.

Next, create the blog/post_edit.html template with the following code:


{% extends 'base.html' %}

{% block content %}

  <h1>New Post</h1>

  <form method="POST">

    {% csrf_token %}

    {{ form.as_p }}

    <button type="submit">Save</button>


{% endblock %}

This template displays a form to create a new blog post using the PostForm form.

Step 9: Define URLs for New Blog Posts

Now that we have a view and template for creating new blog posts, we need to define URLs to map to those views. In the myblog/ file, define the following URL patterns:


from django.urls import path

from blog.views import post_list, post_detail, post_new

urlpatterns = [

    path('', post_list, name='post_list'),

    path('post/new/', post_new, name='post_new'),

    path('post/<slug:slug>/', post_detail, name='post_detail'),


These URL patterns map the root URL (/) to the post_list view, the post_new view to the URL /post/new/, and the post_detail view to URLs of the form /post/<slug>/.

Step 10: Edit Existing Blog Posts

Finally, we need a way to edit existing blog posts. In the blog/ file, define the following view:


from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404, redirect

from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required

from .models import Post

from .forms import PostForm


def post_edit(request, slug):

    post = get_object_or_404(Post, slug=slug)

    if request.method

is 'POST':

form = PostForm(request.POST, instance=post)

if form.is_valid():

post = = request.user

return redirect('post_detail', slug=post.slug)


form = PostForm(instance=post)

return render(request, 'blog/post_edit.html', {'form': form})


This view uses the same `PostForm` form to edit an existing `Post` object when the form is submitted. If the form is valid, the view saves the updated `Post` object to the database and redirects to the `post_detail` view for the edited post.

Next, modify the `blog/post_detail.html` template to include a link to the `post_edit` view:


{% extends 'base.html' %}

{% block content %}

  <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>

  <p>{{ }} | {{ post.created_date }}</p>

  <p>{{ post.body }}</p>

  {% if user.is_authenticated %}

    <a href="{% url 'post_edit' slug=post.slug %}">Edit</a>

  {% endif %}

{% endblock %}

This template displays a link to the post_edit view if the user is authenticated.

Finally, define the post_edit URL pattern in the myblog/ file:


from django.urls import path

from blog.views import post_list, post_detail, post_new, post_edit

urlpatterns = [

    path('', post_list, name='post_list'),

    path('post/new/', post_new, name='post_new'),

    path('post/<slug:slug>/', post_detail, name='post_detail'),

    path('post/<slug:slug>/edit/', post_edit, name='post_edit'),


This URL pattern maps the post_edit view to URLs of the form /post/<slug>/edit/.


In this tutorial, we built a simple blog using Django. We learned how to create models, views, templates, and URLs, and how to use the Django ORM to query the database. We also learned how to create a custom user model and how to use Django's authentication system to restrict access to certain views. By following this tutorial, you should have a good understanding of the basics of Django and be able to build your own web applications.

Django is a powerful web framework with many more features than we covered in this tutorial. We encourage you to explore the Django documentation to learn more about topics such as forms, middleware, caching, and security. Good luck with your Django development!

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