How to Use Services in Angular to Share Data and Logic Across Components

 How to Use Services in Angular to Share Data and Logic Across Components

Services in Angular are a powerful way to share data and logic across components. In this blog post, we'll explain what services are and how to use them in your Angular application.

What are Services?

Services in Angular are classes that provide a specific functionality to your application. They can be used to share data and logic between components, or to handle communication with external APIs.

Services are a central part of the Angular architecture and can be injected into other components, directives, or services using the Angular dependency injection system.

Creating a Service

To create a service, you can use the Angular CLI to generate a new service file:


ng generate service my-service

This will create a new service file called "my-service.service.ts" in your "src/app" directory.

In this file, you can define the functionality of your service. For example, let's say we want to create a service that provides a list of todos:


import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

import { Todo } from '../models/todo';


  providedIn: 'root'


export class TodoService {

  private todos: Todo[] = [

    { id: 1, title: 'Buy milk', completed: false },

    { id: 2, title: 'Clean the house', completed: true },

    { id: 3, title: 'Take out the trash', completed: false },


  getTodos(): Todo[] {

    return this.todos;


  addTodo(todo: Todo): void {




This service defines a private array of todos and two methods: "getTodos()" to get the list of todos and "addTodo()" to add a new todo to the list.

Using a Service

To use a service in a component, you need to inject it using the Angular dependency injection system. You can do this by adding a constructor function to your component:


import { Component } from '@angular/core';

import { TodoService } from '../services/todo.service';

import { Todo } from '../models/todo';


  selector: 'app-todo-list',

  templateUrl: './todo-list.component.html',

  styleUrls: ['./todo-list.component.css']


export class TodoListComponent {

  todos: Todo[];

  constructor(private todoService: TodoService) {

    this.todos = this.todoService.getTodos();


  addTodo(): void {

    const newTodo: Todo = { id: 4, title: 'Do laundry', completed: false };


    this.todos = this.todoService.getTodos();



In this example, we injected the "TodoService" into the "TodoListComponent" constructor function and used the "getTodos()" method to get the list of todos.

We also added an "addTodo()" method to add a new todo to the list. When we call this method, it adds a new todo to the list using the "addTodo()" method in the service, and then updates the "todos" array in the component.

By using a service to manage the list of todos, we can easily share this data and logic across multiple components in our application.

In this blog post, we've explained what services are and how to use them in your Angular application. We covered topics such as creating a service, injecting a service into a component, and using a service to share data and logic across components. By using services, you can create a more modular and maintainable Angular application.

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