Database Vault in Oracle

 Database Vault in Oracle

Database Vault is a security feature in Oracle Database that provides additional access control and authentication mechanisms to protect sensitive data. Database Vault allows you to define policies that restrict access to specific database objects or actions based on user identity or other criteria. Here is an example:



      object_schema => 'HR',

      object_name   => 'employees',

      policy_name   => 'hr_policy',

      policy_type   => 'DATA_ACCESS',

      policy_options => 'SESSION_USER = ''SYSADMIN'' OR dept_id = (SELECT dept_id FROM hr.departments WHERE manager_id = SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'', ''SESSION_USER''))'




This example creates a Database Vault policy named "hr_policy" that restricts access to the "employees" table in the "HR" schema. The policy allows access only to users with the "SYSADMIN" role or users who are managers in the same department as the accessed data.

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