10+ Best Vue JS Project Ideas For Beginners 2023


What Is Vue JS?

VueJS is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. It is designed from the ground, and can easily be a library and a framework depending on your goals. Besides, it also consists of a core library that focuses on the view layer and an ecosystem of supporting libraries. Also, It is used by big companies such as GitlabAlibabaXiaomiAdobeEuronewsNintendoGrammarlyCodeshipBehance, and many more.

Well, Vue took the best features of other libraries such as two-way data binding & directives from Angular, virtual DOM implementation, and templating syntax from React. Besides, the setup is quite simple. These factors make using Vue.js very comfortable. Seems like it has the purpose to become a JavaScript framework of choice. While working with VueJS projects, it is highly recommended to use the best VueJS Admin Templates. These admin templates come with all the essential components and features to make the best interactive web app.

Furthermore, Vue continues to grow in popularity and is rapidly being adopted by many developers, and Vue.js tools are popping up everywhere. This is not without reason: Vue’s shallow learning curve, clear functionality-driven structure, and excellent documentation make it easy for novices to pick it up, and for more experienced developers to make a switch from other frameworks like React or Angular.

If you are a beginner and want to learn about VueJS then do refer to the Vue 3 Tutorial For BeginnersTutorials are highly advantageous when it comes to practicing various projects.

For faster development, you should use the Best Vue Editors. These editors will save you lots of time and will boost your project development.

Benefits of Vue JS

  • The framework is very small
  • Vue supports the component-based approach to building web apps;
  • Detailed Documentation
  • Easy to understand
  • Simple integration
  • Great tooling

Make sure you are aware of the best VueJS UI Libraries. VueJS UI Component libraries are basically a collection of useful VueJS components and elements. They provide ready-to-use components so that you don’t need to search there and there.

How To Learn Vue.js Projects / Case Studies?

Before you choose an example project, Here are some tips when learning from example projects.

Choose Only One Project at A Time

With so many open-source projects available on Github, we often feel overwhelmed with them. That’s okay. But, when you really want to learn from those projects, never do that by learning them at once. You should filter them, and choose only one project that you really want to learn. After you finished it, then you can choose the next project.

Be Curious, Find out Why the Codes Work

In the rewriting process, you will find some codes that aren’t familiar to you. Always be curious to find out why those codes work. Because it will surely help increase your knowledge base.

Replicates, But Don’t Copy-Paste the Codes

With an example project, you may think that you will learn it only by reading the codes. Well, the answer is no. You should rewrite it on your own, and don’t just copy-pasting it. It may sound trivial, but you will find out more as you rewrite the codes.

Experiment, and Add Your Own Flavour

You need to do some experiments with unfamiliar codes. Modify them, see if it works or not, and again, find out the reason. Dig deep as much as you can. Besides, you should also add your own codes as you learn more. Combine it with the base codes. It can be styling or adding more features. With enough modification, you can make it your portfolio, of course by mentioning the example project you use.

Patience and Focus

Last but not least, have some patience. No need to rush while you are learning, and stay focused. It’ll take some time, but it’s worth it.

You can also use Materio Free Vuetify Vuejs Admin Dashboard Template. It is the latest most developer-friendly 🤘🏻 & highly customizable✨ Admin Dashboard Template based on Vuetify. If you’re a developer looking for a Vuejs Admin Template that is enriched with features, and highly customizable look no further than the Materio admin template🤩.

Besides, the highest industry standards are considered to bring you this Vuetify VueJS Dashboard template that is not just fast 🚀 and easy to use, but highly scalable.

Materio is based on material design. Therefore, you can consider this a Vue Material Admin Template. This template also offers invaluable features that aim to help you create premium quality single-page apps exactly as you imagine them🤘🏻.

Furthermore, this Free Dashboard template comes with unique and useful tools such as fuzzy search, Dark, Semi-Dark & Bordered layout options, Advanced cards, and Charts. In addition, it offers amazing features as follows.


  • 1 Simple Dashboard, 1 Chart Library
  • Single vertical menu
  • Simple Light/Dark theme
  • Basic Cards, pages, and tables
  • Simple From Elements⚡
  • Single vertical menu

Check the Figma Version:

Materio Figma UI kit is one of the best UI Kits to use.

Now. let’s head to the inspirational VueJS Project Ideas.

Vue JS Project Ideas For Beginners

Nowadays, we can get a huge headache when we have to decide what to learn. There are three very powerful technologies on the market, Angular, React.js, and Vue.js. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. If you decided to add Vue.js to your career path, then you can find this collection useful to create some of the projects I’ll list below.

When you are building Vue.js applications, it’s worth keeping in mind that some additional, external libraries dedicated to this framework may be useful. The ones that would be good to get familiar with are the Vuex, Vue Router, and Vue Server Renderer.

  • Vuex is a state management pattern and library for Vue.js apps. It provides a centralized store and set of rules ensuring the proper mutation of the values in the state.
  • Vue Router is an official router for Vue.js.
  • Vue Server Renderer is a library for Vue.js used for server-side rendering, which may be a very useful solution in some cases. It helps to improve the SEO and loading time of the application.

Here are some of the best vue js sample project ideas for beginners. These Vuejs sample projects on GitHub will help you sharpen your skill.  Some of the Vue js projects for beginners on GitHub are primary levels that you can start with.

Once you are done with these projects, you can refer to the VueJS examples for beginners to get a better idea of developing VueJS projects.

Now, let’s have a look at the best Vue JS Project Ideas for beginners.

Checkout Form

Vue JS Project Ideas For Beginners

The first one on the list of Vue JS Project ideas is the checkout form. If you are just starting, then the Vue.js project won’t be the whole application, it will be more of a component for the checkout step in the shop. Here, you don’t need to create the whole e-commerce app, It’ll be better to start with just creating the page that will have a little more advanced form to get user data, shipping address, and payment method. This one from the list vue js sample project GitHub is one of the easy-to-start projects.

In the future, you can think about growing it into a full, functional E-shop, or you can reuse it in other projects. The biggest advantage of such a project is that you’ll be able to learn how to generate forms and handle data changes in Vue.js. You could also try to combine it with the Vuex and save data into the state. You can use this vue js project to practice for your portfolio.

Vue JS projects Github:

Vue Calculator

Vue JS Project Ideas For Beginners

One of the easiest VueJS project ideas for beginners is a Calculator. You can simply start with a Vue-based calculator. Not the complex one but a simple calculator. Calculators are not only one of the most useful tools available, but they are also a great way to understand UI and event processing in an application. In this problem, you will create a calculator that supports basic arithmetic calculations on integers.

The styling is up to you so use your imagination and get creative! You might also find it worth your time to experiment with the calculator app on your mobile device to better understand the basic functionality and edge cases.




Vue JS Project Ideas For Beginners

Vue JS Project to practice:


Todo App

Vue JS Project Ideas For Beginners

The to-do app is one of the most common beginner apps and VueJS project ideas for beginners. You can do experiments while developing a to-do app. Normally, we are either able to complete a preset number of tasks on time or fail miserably. Although the success rate depends on many factors, there is one common thing that is mostly seen in several use cases. That would be the use of to-do list apps.

You can offer the following features:


Vue JS Sample project GitHub:


Weather App

Weather app Vue JS App

This is one of the best Vue JS project ideas for beginners. It is a straightforward project – you can code it in a matter of a few hours! In this project, you have to build a weather app that can display a weather forecast. For this app, you can leverage fake, hard-coded data until you get all the features correct.

A weather app is a good start for any beginners as it deals not only with data but also focuses on design as well. You can start with basic features such as temperature, sunrise/sunset time, climate map, etc.

Besides, you can try new features once you are done with the basics. For example, you can show data visualization with animation, rain prediction, wind prediction, etc.



A well-designed and uncomplicated Free Dashboard Template make website administration an easy task with the best performance.

Weight Tracking App

Vue JS Project Ideas For Beginners

If you have ever tried to exercise and improve your physical form, you might have used any weight tracking app to track your progress, and you may have some idea how it should work. Now, the application must have a component where the user can add their weight data, and it could be saved with the current date.

Besides, you can also put a form for adding the measurements, like waist. Furthermore,  you can add something for the data visualization and display the chart or graph of the weight and measurement changes. Adding notifications for the progress and regress in suitable colors can be a good idea as well.


Recipes App

Recipes app

Another one from the Vue JS Project Ideas For Beginners list is an app to keep your recipes in one place.  Now, it is difficult to remember everything step by step when it comes to recipes. Thus, this recipe app could be a great solution.

The main elements must be the listing of all recipes, the form for adding a new recipe, and a detailed view of the selected recipe. Here you could practice using the Vue Router for displaying the recipes by id.



Job Board Aggregator with an API

Job board aggregator

There are no doubt plenty of VueJS project ideas, but what makes you a skilled developer is trying something. Here, a job board aggregator with an API suits you well. Well, this is the job board that aggregates the job offers from different websites. Besides, this app will need an API connection. Here you have two options. You can check a few job boards and take a few APIs to get data and display it or use an API from another aggregator portal, like the Indeed API.

The job board must have a listing of all the jobs got from API. For the details you have two options, you could redirect to the native page of the ad directly from the listing, or you could create a details list and then with the Apply button redirect the user to the native job offer or the application form.


Url Shortener

Url shortner

In this application, the main feature will be the input for the link you’d like to shorten and the result’s output space. You could also create a function to copy the shortened link by clicking the icon. The process should happen with the external API call, like T.ly API, which is free and well-documented, and that makes it easy to use even for beginners.

This project also can be something more eye-catching than just plain data displayed from the API. Do try this one of the most interesting VueJS project ideas to sharpen your skills.


News Website

News website

Another great option from the list of VueJS project ideas is a News website. For this app, you can create the main page view, where you’d show the current news in a grid or a list, and then you could reuse the view as a category page.

For this application, you can take the help of the NewsAPI. It is easy to use, well-documented and offers a lot of information to display. When the user clicks on the news card, he or she would be taken to the source page.

This kind of project can be a great idea to host on the internet. You can also start using it as your own new website and earn some money.



Countries Directory

countries directory

Another good project from the list Vue JS Project Ideas Beginners is the countries directory. An app where you can use an existing, free RESTcountries API where you can list down all countries, and also display the details of each country. This is one of the different and interesting VeJS project ideas.

This project can also include the searching feature with the API call to return the searched country. furthermore, there’s also an option for practicing the filtering feature and the sorting feature.


OCR (Optical Character Recognition) App


Well, the next one on the list of VueJS project ideas is the OCR app. It is really an interesting project to start. The OCR App aims to implement the API to parse the image with text to the JSON file. This project is quite different from the list.

For this application, along with the implementation of the OCR API, you’ll have to create the file upload to provide the image for the API. Surely, it will be one of the most noticeable projects in your portfolio.


Q&A App

Questions and answers application is another great idea to start. The main concept of this VueJS project idea is that users can ask a question, which is then listed on the main page, where others can read it and reply. Now, the Q&A app should have the following views: the questions listing, the form for adding the question, the form for answering the question, and the view of the question with all answers.

There are a few suggestions you can implement in such an application. You can show particular questions with answers as a separate view. The other suggestion is to show all answers to the question in the expanded panel in the main listing. Besides, another solution is to place the forms in the modals. Thus, this can be one of the unique VueJS project ideas to get inspiration from.


In this article, we have included more than 10 Vue Js project ideas for beginners. You can create these apps for training and to build your coding portfolio. Use any of the examples from GitHub for a start and do experiments with the codes to know what works and what does not.

You can get inspired by each project which will help you start easily. As a beginner, you must keep one thing in mind the more you practice your skills, the more expertise you’ll achieve.

Apart from this, we also suggest using UI kits while working on any web apps as UI kits are very helpful to create appealing web apps. You can use the free UI kits as well. Now, if you are switching to ReactJS, you can refer to the React Project Ideas For Beginners.

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