15 Most Important HTML Interview Questions & Answers [2023]


15 Most Important HTML Interview Questions & Answers [2023]

HTML Interview Questions & Answers

It might be possible that you completely miss on researching top HTML CSS interview questions, or HTML and CSS interview questions, interview questions on HTML and CSS or look for an HTML interview questions and answers PDF. This guide to what is HTML answer-question wise, is an easy way to keep such top interview questions handy.

1. What is HTML?

This is a common question, but some candidates think it is too basic to ask. This question is used for gauging the basic understanding you have of HTML. Therefore, you must focus on letting the interviewer know more than just a definition. Give insight into the full form of ‘HTML’ and then broadly explain the applications.


HTML is the abbreviation for Hypertext Markup Language. It is the typical documents’ markup language for developing web pages to display on the web browser.

The extensions used to save HTML pages are .html and .htm.

HTML features- 

  • Documents contain HTML tags and plain text.
  • HTML documents are also called web pages.
  • The tags describe the document content.
  • Publish the documents with headings, texts, tables, etc.
  • Retrieve online information via hypertext links.
  • Design form to conduct transactions with remote services. 
  • It can be easily understood and modified. 
  • It has various formatting tags thus making it ideal for effective presentation.
  • Platform independent as it can be displayed on a platform like Windows, Linux, etc.
  • It is a case sensitive language making the tags usable for both lower-case and upper-case.

In the html interview questions, make sure to also include the features along with answering with basic definitions as it adds value to the answer.

2. What is a Tag in HTML? Can you define HTML attributes?


In an HTML page, tags used are to place the content and format the pages. They always defined between (<) and (>) symbols. For example, <h1>text</h1>.

An opening tag must be preceded with a closing tag and indicated with a ‘/’ symbol.

A tag instructs the browser to format the HTML. Tags have many uses, such as changing the appearance of text, displaying a graphic, or linking another page. Coming to the other part of the question, HTML attributes are properties you can add to an HTML tag. Such attributes alter the way a tag behaves or the way it is displayed. For instance, <img> tag comes with an src attribute that you use for adding image sources. We can add attributes after the name of an HTML tag, within the brackets. Remember, we can add attributes to the opening and self-closing tag only.  No attributes are added to closing tags.

The HTML tags are keywords which are used in HTML that are used to display the web-pages. Theta re also used to define the HTML elements. Each HTML tag defines a new property that helps in the website rendering. Some of the HTML tags are mentioned below-

  • Head Tags
  • Link Tags
  • Scripting Tags
  • Table Tags
  • Text- formatting Tags
  • List Tags
  • Form Tags
  • Image and Object Tags 

This makes for the html basic interview questions, make sure to prepare well for this question. 

3. What is the key difference between HTML Elements and Tags? Also, Can you separate sections of texts in HTML?


This is one of the most asked HTML interview questions.

HTML Elements

The sections of the web page, such as a paragraph, an image, or a link is an element, and an element has a certain way of execution. For example, the link is used to be clicked, and the text boxes can be used to input text.


HTML elements communicate with the browser how to represent the text and become HTML tags when enclosed within angular brackets <>.

As for the latter part of the question, here is the answer. Yes, you can separate section of texts in HTML with the following tags:

  • <p> tag–Use this tag for writing a paragraph of any text.
  • <br> tag – Use this for separating a line of text. This will break a current line and also shift the flow of a text over to new line.
  • <blockquote> tag–Use this tag to define any large quoted section.

It is one of the vey basic html interview questions, make sure to be well thorough with this topic.

4. If you want to display some HTML data in a table in tabular format, which HTML tags will you use?


The HTML has a specific tag, i.e., the table tag to display data in tabular form. Below is the list of the HTML tags used to display data in tabular form in HTML:




For defining a table.


For mentioning a caption to the table.


For defining a row in a table.


For defining a cell in a table.


For defining a header cell in a table.


For grouping the body’s content in a table.


For specifying the column properties for each column of the table.

5. What are Attributes in HTML?


An additional attribute is given to each tag to alter the behavior of the tag. Attributes are defined directly after the tag name, inside the angular brackets. They appear in opening tags and can never appear in closing tags.

For example:

You can define an attribute for the <input> tag, such as a text field, checkbox, radio button, or many more ways.

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The properties of tags are called as attributes. These are used to add certain additional information in a tag content. All HTML elements are said to be having the attributes.They are said to be always specified in the start tag.

Refer to the below mentioned table to learn about various HTML attributes-

srcSpecifies the URL (web address) for an image.
styleSpecifies the inline CSS style for an element.
altSpecifies an alternative style for an image. 
disabledSpecifies for an input element to be disabled. 
hrefSpecifies the URL (web adress) for a link.
titleSpecifies extra information about an element.

These types of questions can be asked during html interview questions for freshers so make sure to respond to these html questions by elaborating and structuring your answers.

6. What is an Anchor tag in HTML?


An anchor tag is used to link two sections, web pages, or website templates in HTML.

The anchor tags are web page elements that are used to link to nother location on the same page.  These are also used to hyperlinks to other webpages, emails, applications and items. These anchor tags also allow the users to send emails from their outlook installed on their computers. 

Its format is:

<a href=”#” target=”link”></a>

Where ‘href’ is an attribute of the anchor tag used to identify the sections in a document, the ‘link’ is defined in the target attribute, which is to be linked.

The html interview questions and answers should be responded like this. Make sure to also mention the format of tags along with the descriptive answers.

7. What are Lists in HTML?


HTML lists are used to group a set of related items in lists. It is defined with an <li> tag.

Some commonly used HTML lists:

  • Ordered List (HTML tag: <ol>)
  • Unordered List (HTML tag: <ul>)
  • Description List (HTML tag: <dl>)
  • Menu List (HTML tag: <menu>)
  • Directory List (HTML tag: <dir>)

8. Define HTML Layout.


An HTML web page is arranged in a specific layout (format). Here are the sections of an HTML webpage to specify the different parts of a webpage:


The primary sections of the layout are:

  • Header to define a document or a section header.
  • Main content where the entire web page content is included.
  • Footer to define a document or a section footer.

There are also sections such as articles and the navigation bar that are the parts of a layout.

Learn more: Top 10 Fun CSS Project Ideas & Topics For Beginners

The HTML forms are a document that stores information of a user on a web server. The form contains various information, such as –

  • Username
  • Password
  • Contact Number
  • Email ID

There are also various input elements in the HTML forms. Some of the common input elements include-

  • Text field
  • Check box
  • Password field
  • Radio Button 
  • Submit Button 

9. What are Forms in HTML?


Forms are used to collect the user information when they are filled, and details are provided to save into the database.


10. What is the Use of Comments in HTML?


Comments are used in an HTML document to make important notes and help developers mention any modification to be incorporated afterward. They are not displayed in the browser when the code is executed. A comment is always written in between the ‘—‘ symbol at the beginning and end of the angular brackets.


<!—‘Comment’ !–>

Five Additional HTML Interview Questions and Answers

11. What is HTML5?


HTML5 is the improved HTML version released in 2014 by the World Wide Web consortium. Nowadays, every employer wants to put this as one of the HTML interview questions.

It has set forth the following new characteristics to be learned by professionals:

  • DOCTYPE declaration: To declare the HTML document type to instruct the web browser about the markup language.
  • Main: The main tag defines the primary section in the document related to the central content of a document with a <main> tag.
  • Section: It is used to define specific sections in a document such as a chapter, header, footer, or any other section, and is specified with the <section> tag.
  • Header: The header tag defines the title or heading of a document or its section. It is specified with the <header> tag.
  • Footer: The footer tag defines the section of a document that contains information such as copyright or author’s information. It is designated with the <footer> tag.
  • Article: The article tag represents an independent or self-contained part of the content of a document with the tag <article>.

Advantages of HTML 5-

  • Cleaner Markup/ Improved Code: It will enable the designers to use cleaner, neater code. 
  • Elegant forms: It enables the designers to use the fancier forms.
  • Consistency: More consistency will be seen in terms of HTML to code a web page on one site. 
  • Supports rich media elements: It has an inbuilt capacity to play audio and video to let go of plug-in tags.
  • Offline Application Cache: It will load the page the user has visited if the user is temporarily offline. 

12. What is Semantic HTML?


Semantic HTML is one style of coding, where the tags convey the meaning of the text. HTML uses semantics to reinforce the semantics or purpose of the content.

For Example:

<b> </b> and <i> </i> tags which are used to bold and italic statements in HTML are replaced with <strong></strong> and <em></em> tags in semantic HTML. 

This is because they represent formatting and provide no meaning or structure.

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Uses of semantic HTML-

  • It helps the search engines to determine the importance and context of web pages. 
  • It is much easier to read with semantic elements.
  • It has a greater accessibility.
  • They offer better user experience.

Refer to the below-metioned table for HTML Semantic elements-

<aside>It defines some content aside from the content it is placed.
<nav>Defines a set of navigation links.
<article>Specifies the independent, self- contained content.
<section>Represents the section of a document.
<header>Represents a container for introductory content.
<footer>Represents a footer for the document.
<main>Specifies the main page.
<summary>Specifies the header for the <details> element.
<mark>Specifies the text that is highlighted.

Make sure to tackle these html questions and answers by mentioning the elements and advantages as well. 

13. What is an Image Map?


An Image map lets you link different web pages with a single image. It is represented with the <map> tag. Every employer expects the applicant to know about this, and this has been one of the most commonly asked HTML interview questions.

14. Why is the Embed Tag Used in HTML?


An Embed Tag is used for including a Video or Audio in an HTML Document. A source of audio or video file to be displayed on the webpage is defined within an Embed tag as:

<EMBED> Source </EMBED>.

15. What is a ‘Marquee’ Tag in HTML?


You can put scrolling text with a Marquee tag. With the help of this tag, an image or text can be scrolled up, down, left, or right.

The text which is scrolled is defined within the <marquee>……</marquee> tag.

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Properties of Marquee Tags in HTML-

  • It is used to create a scroll over the text.
  • It allows all types of scrolls like left to right, right to left, top to bottom and bottom to top.

Features of Marquee Tags in HTML- 

  • Behaviour- It is the action of scrolling the text which can be one of the values.
  • Bgcolor- Gives background colour.
  • Direction- Sepcifies the direction of scrolling the text.
  • Height- Defines the height of marquee.
  • Hspace- Provides the horizontal space around the marquee element.
  • Loop- Defines how many times the text can be scrolled.
  • Scrollamount- Specifies the scrolling amount for each element.
  • Scrolldelay- Gives the scrolling delay in milliseconds.
  • Truespeed- Indicate the scrolldelay value of 60.
  • VSpace- Provides the vertical space around the marquee element.
  • Width- Defines the width for the marquee.

The html basic questions like such can be asked during the interview. The html coding questions, should be tackled with intelligence and must be elaborated. 


We have tried our best to get you well equipped with HTML concepts presenting ‘10+5’ HTML interview questions in this article with the hope that they will help you in your interview preparations. Research well and present your answers with confidence. Incorporate examples and easy references to display the clarity of knowledge you have around HTML.

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