How to use Vue.js with Laravel

 How to use Vue.js with Laravel

In this blog post, we'll explore how to use Vue.js with Laravel, a popular PHP web framework. We'll cover how to set up a basic Vue.js component in a Laravel application, and how to communicate between Laravel and Vue.js components.

Setting up a Laravel Application

First, let's create a new Laravel application. We'll assume that you have Laravel installed on your system already.

Open up a terminal window and navigate to the directory where you'd like to create your Laravel application. Then, run the following command:


laravel new myapp

This will create a new Laravel application in a directory named myapp.

Next, navigate to the myapp directory and start the development server by running the following command:


cd myapp

php artisan serve

You should now be able to visit your Laravel application by going to http://localhost:8000 in your web browser.

Creating a Vue.js Component

Now that we have a Laravel application up and running, let's create a new Vue.js component. We'll create a simple "Hello, Vue!" component that displays a message on the screen.

First, let's install Vue.js using npm. In your terminal, run the following command:

npm install vue

This will install Vue.js and save it as a dependency in your Laravel application's package.json file.

Next, let's create a new Vue.js component. Create a new file named Hello.vue in the resources/js/components directory of your Laravel application. Then, add the following code to the file:




    <h1>{{ message }}</h1>




export default {

  data() {

    return {

      message: 'Hello, Vue!'





In this code, we've defined a new Vue.js component that contains a message data property that's initialized to "Hello, Vue!". We're using Vue.js's templating system to display the value of the message property in an h1 element.

Registering the Component

Now that we've created our Vue.js component, we need to register it with our Laravel application. Open up the resources/js/app.js file in your Laravel application, and add the following code:


import Vue from 'vue';

import Hello from './components/Hello.vue';

Vue.component('hello', Hello);

const app = new Vue({

  el: '#app'


In this code, we're importing the Hello.vue component that we created earlier. We're then registering the component with Vue.js using the Vue.component() method. The first argument to this method is the name that we want to use to refer to the component (in this case, 'hello'). The second argument is the component itself.

We're then creating a new Vue.js instance and mounting it to the #app element. We haven't created this element yet, but we'll do that in the next step.

Adding the Component to a Laravel View

Finally, let's add the hello component to a Laravel view. Open up the resources/views/welcome.blade.php file in your Laravel application, and replace its contents with the following code:


<!doctype html>




    <link href="{{ asset('css/app.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">



    <div id="app">



    <script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></

In this code, we've added a div element with an id of app. We've also added a hello element inside of this div. This hello element is the Vue.js component that we created earlier.

Testing the Component

That's it! We've now set up a basic Vue.js component in a Laravel application. Let's test it out by visiting our Laravel application in our web browser. If everything was set up correctly, you should see a message that says "Hello, Vue!".

Communicating between Laravel and Vue.js Components

Now that we have a basic Vue.js component set up in our Laravel application, let's explore how we can communicate between Laravel and Vue.js components.

First, let's create a new Laravel route that returns some data that we can use in our Vue.js component. Open up the routes/web.php file in your Laravel application, and add the following code:


Route::get('/api/data', function () {

  return [

    'message' => 'This data came from Laravel!'



In this code, we've created a new route that returns an array with a single message key. The value of this key is a string that says "This data came from Laravel!".

Next, let's modify our Hello.vue component to fetch this data from our Laravel application. Update the Hello.vue file with the following code:




    <h1>{{ message }}</h1>

    <p>{{ laravelMessage }}</p>




export default {

  data() {

    return {

      message: 'Hello, Vue!',

      laravelMessage: null



  mounted() {


      .then(response => {

        this.laravelMessage =;





In this code, we've added a new data property named laravelMessage that we'll use to store the message that we get from our Laravel application. We're also using the mounted() lifecycle method to fetch this data from our Laravel application using the Axios library.

Now, if you visit your Laravel application in your web browser, you should see two messages: "Hello, Vue!" (which is the message from our Vue.js component) and "This data came from Laravel!" (which is the message that we fetched from our Laravel application).


In this blog post, we've explored how to use Vue.js with Laravel. We've created a basic Vue.js component in a Laravel application, and we've explored how to communicate between Laravel and Vue.js components using Axios. With these techniques, you can easily create powerful, dynamic web applications using Vue.js and Laravel.

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