Promises in JavaScript: An Introduction

  Promises in JavaScript: An Introduction

Asynchronous programming is an important aspect of modern web development. JavaScript uses promises to handle asynchronous operations and provide a way to handle errors and success cases in a more structured and efficient way. In this post, we'll explore the basics of promises and how to use them in your code.

What are Promises?

A promise is a JavaScript object that represents the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation and its resulting value. A promise can be in one of three states: pending, fulfilled, or rejected.

Here's an example to help illustrate the concept of promises:


const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

  setTimeout(() => {

    const randomNum = Math.random();

    if (randomNum > 0.5) {


    } else {

      reject(new Error('Number is too small'));


  }, 2000);


promise.then((result) => {

  console.log(`Success: ${result}`);

}).catch((error) => {

  console.error(`Error: ${error.message}`);


In this example, we create a promise that resolves or rejects after 2 seconds, depending on the value of a random number. If the number is greater than 0.5, the promise resolves with the random number as its result. Otherwise, the promise rejects with an error message.

We use the then() method to handle the success case and the catch() method to handle the error case.

How do Promises Work?

When a promise is created, it is in a pending state. The asynchronous operation begins, and the promise is either fulfilled with a result value or rejected with an error.

The then() method is called when the promise is fulfilled, and it takes a function as an argument. This function receives the result value as its argument.

The catch() method is called when the promise is rejected, and it takes a function as an argument. This function receives the error object as its argument.

Here's another example to help illustrate how promises work:


function fetchData(url) {

  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {


      .then((response) => {

        if (response.ok) {

          return response.json();

        } else {

          throw new Error('Request failed');



      .then((data) => {



      .catch((error) => {






  .then((data) => {



  .catch((error) => {



In this example, we define a function fetchData() that takes a URL as its argument and returns a promise that resolves with the parsed JSON data from the response.

We use the fetch() method to make a request to the provided URL, and we use the then() method to handle the response. If the response is OK, we parse the JSON data and resolve the promise with the data. Otherwise, we reject the promise with an error.


Promises are a powerful feature of JavaScript that allow us to handle asynchronous operations in a more structured and efficient way. By understanding how promises work and how to use them effectively, you can write more robust and scalable code.

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