Using Vue.js with APIs: A Practical Guide

 Using Vue.js with APIs: A Practical Guide

Vue.js is a powerful JavaScript framework that makes it easy to build reactive and interactive user interfaces. One of the key features of Vue.js is its ability to work seamlessly with APIs, allowing you to fetch and display data from external sources.

In this blog post, we'll show you how to use Vue.js with APIs to create a simple, yet practical web application. We'll cover the basics of fetching data from an API, displaying it in your application, and updating it in real-time.

Fetching Data from an API

To fetch data from an API in Vue.js, you can use the built-in fetch function or a third-party library like Axios. In this example, we'll use Axios to fetch data from a mock API.




    <h1>Todo List</h1>


      <li v-for="todo in todos" :key="">{{ todo.title }}</li>





import axios from 'axios'

export default {

  name: 'TodoList',

  data() {

    return {

      todos: []



  mounted() {

    axios.get('').then(response => {

      this.todos =





In this example, we've defined a new Vue.js component called TodoList. The component fetches a list of todos from the mock API using Axios and displays them in an unordered list.

Displaying Data in Your Application

Once you've fetched data from an API, you can display it in your Vue.js application using directives like v-for, v-if, and v-bind. In our example, we're using v-for to loop through the list of todos and display them in the HTML template.



  <li v-for="todo in todos" :key="">{{ todo.title }}</li>


Updating Data in Real-Time

Vue.js makes it easy to update data in real-time when it changes in your application or in the API. In our example, we'll add a button that allows users to mark a todo as complete and update the API accordingly.




    <h1>Todo List</h1>


      <li v-for="todo in todos" :key="">

        {{ todo.title }}

        <button @click="markAsComplete(todo)">Complete</button>






import axios from 'axios'

export default {

  name: 'TodoList',

  data() {

    return {

      todos: []



  mounted() {

    axios.get('').then(response => {

      this.todos =



  methods: {

    markAsComplete(todo) {

      axios.put(`${}`, {

        completed: true

      }).then(response => {

        todo.completed =






In this updated example, we've added a button to each todo item that calls the markAsComplete method when clicked. The method sends a PUT request to the API to update the completed property of the todo item and updates the local data in real-time.


In this tutorial, we've shown you how to use Vue.js with APIs to create a simple, yet practical web application. We covered the basics of fetching data from an API using Axios, displaying it in your Vue.js application using directives like v-for, and updating data in real-time when it changes in your application or in the API.

Using Vue.js with APIs opens up a world of possibilities for building powerful and dynamic web applications. With its intuitive syntax and built-in reactivity, Vue.js makes it easy to fetch and display data from external sources and update it in real-time. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you'll be well on your way to creating your own web applications using Vue.js and APIs.

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