Regular Expressions in PowerShell

 Regular Expressions in PowerShell

Regular expressions are a powerful tool for pattern matching and text manipulation in PowerShell. You can use the -match and -replace operators to perform regular expression operations on strings. Here's an example:

# Match a pattern in a string

if ("Hello, World!" -match "W.*d") {

    Write-Host "Pattern found."


# Replace a pattern in a string

$name = "John Doe"

$newName = $name -replace "(?<first>\w+)\s(?<last>\w+)", "$last, $first"

Write-Host "New name: $newName"

In this example, we first use the -match operator to search for a pattern in a string ("W.*d" matches any string that starts with "W" and ends with "d"). If a match is found, we print a message to the console. We then use the -replace operator to replace a pattern in a string ("John Doe" is replaced with "Doe, John"). We use named capture groups (the (?<first> and ?<last> syntax) to capture the first and last names, and then use them in the replacement string (using the $last and $first variables).

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