Route 53

 Route 53

Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable domain name system (DNS) web service. Here is an example of how to create a Route 53 hosted zone and a DNS record using the AWS SDK for Python (boto3):


import boto3

route53_client = boto3.client('route53')

domain_name = ''

response = route53_client.create_hosted_zone(




        'Comment': 'An example hosted zone',

        'PrivateZone': False



hosted_zone_id = response['HostedZone']['Id']

dns_name = ''

response = route53_client.change_resource_record_sets(



        'Comment': 'An example DNS record',

        'Changes': [


                'Action': 'CREATE',

                'ResourceRecordSet': {

                    'Name': dns_name,

                    'Type': 'A',

                    'TTL': 300,

                    'ResourceRecords': [


                            'Value': ''








change_id = response['ChangeInfo']['Id']

print(f"Route 53 hosted zone created with ID {hosted_zone_id}")

print(f"DNS record created for {dns_name} with change ID {change_id}")

This code creates a Route 53 hosted zone with the specified name and configuration, and adds a DNS record for the specified DNS name that points to a specified IP address. The hosted zone ID and change ID are printed to the console.

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