Traits in Scala
Traits in Scala are similar to interfaces in Java, but they can also include concrete method implementations. A class can extend multiple traits, allowing for flexible and modular code design. Here's an example:
trait Shape {
def area(): Double
class Rectangle(val width: Double, val height: Double) extends Shape {
def area(): Double = width * height
class Circle(val radius: Double) extends Shape {
def area(): Double = math.Pi * radius * radius
val rect = new Rectangle(5, 10)
println(s"The area of the rectangle is ${rect.area()}.")
val circle = new Circle(5)
println(s"The area of the circle is ${circle.area()}.")
This defines a Shape trait that has an abstract area method, and two classes that extend the trait and implement the method in different ways. The main method creates instances of both classes and calls the area method on each to get the area of the shapes.
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