Bit Manipulation

 Bit Manipulation

Bit manipulation involves performing operations on individual bits within a data structure. It allows for compact and efficient storage of data and is commonly used in low-level programming and embedded systems.

#include <stdio.h>

#define SET_BIT(x, pos) (x |= (1 << pos))

#define CLEAR_BIT(x, pos) (x &= ~(1 << pos))

#define TOGGLE_BIT(x, pos) (x ^= (1 << pos))

#define CHECK_BIT(x, pos) (x & (1 << pos))

int main() {

    unsigned char flags = 0x00;

    SET_BIT(flags, 1); // Set bit at position 1

    printf("Bit at position 1: %d\n", CHECK_BIT(flags, 1));

    TOGGLE_BIT(flags, 2); // Toggle bit at position 2

    printf("Bit at position 2: %d\n", CHECK_BIT(flags, 2));

    CLEAR_BIT(flags, 0); // Clear bit at position 0

    printf("Bit at position 0: %d\n", CHECK_BIT(flags, 0));

    return 0;


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