Distributed Systems

 Distributed Systems

Distributed systems involve the use of multiple computers that work together to achieve a common goal. As a software engineer, you'll need to be familiar with concepts like distributed algorithms, distributed databases, and distributed file systems. Here's an example of a simple distributed key-value store implemented using Python and ZeroMQ:

import zmq

context = zmq.Context()

store = {}

socket = context.socket(zmq.REP)


while True:

    message = socket.recv_json()

    if message['command'] == 'get':

        key = message['key']

        value = store.get(key, None)

        socket.send_json({'value': value})

    elif message['command'] == 'set':

        key = message['key']

        value = message['value']

        store[key] = value

        socket.send_json({'success': True})

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