Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts

 Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts

JavaScript supports object-oriented programming concepts like classes, inheritance, and encapsulation.

class Person {

  constructor(name) {

    this.name = name;


  sayHello() {

    console.log(`Hello, my name is ${this.name}.`);



class Student extends Person {

  constructor(name, grade) {


    this.grade = grade;


  sayHello() {


    console.log(`I am in grade ${this.grade}.`);



const john = new Student('John Doe', 8);


// Output:

// Hello, my name is John Doe.

// I am in grade 8.

In the example above, Person and Student are classes representing a person and a student, respectively. The Student class extends the Person class, inheriting its properties and methods. The sayHello() method is overridden in the Student class using the super keyword to call the parent class's implementation.

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