Pattern Matching for Null (Preview Feature in Java 14-17, Standard Feature in Java 18)

 Pattern Matching for Null (Preview Feature in Java 14-17, Standard Feature in Java 18)

Pattern matching for null allows for more concise and expressive code when checking for null values. It simplifies null checks and can help reduce NullPointerExceptions. Here's an example:

String text = null;

// Prior to Java 14

if (text == null) {

    System.out.println("Text is null");

} else {

    System.out.println("Text is not null: " + text);


// Java 14 and later

if (text instanceof String str) {

    System.out.println("Text is not null: " + str);

} else {

    System.out.println("Text is null");


In the Java 14 and later version, the pattern instanceof String str checks if text is an instance of String and simultaneously assigns it to the variable str. This allows you to directly use the variable str within the conditional block, avoiding the need for a separate null check.

It's important to note that pattern matching for null is a preview feature in Java 14-17. Starting from Java 18, it has become a standard feature.

Exploring this feature can lead to cleaner and more readable code, particularly when dealing with nullable values.

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