Top 7 Front-End Projects to Build Your Portfolio


Top 5 Front-End Projects to Build Your Portfolio

1. A Personal Website or Portfolio Homepage 

To start with front end development, it is better to build a simple web page for your personal use. It can be your portfolio homepage. Build your website with the basics of HTML, CSS, and JS. Let it be a simple layout that works well in all browsers. Test your code using validators and ensure no javascript errors are present. Make sure it works fine in all major browsers. Get inspiration for your portfolio site and try to replicate the same. 


You can build a portfolio home page starting with the following details

  1. A stunning banner (with your name).
  2. Continuing the banner, there comes to a short bio and sample projects. 
  3. And ends with an eye-catching call to action with your contact details. 

You will learn to build the basic HTML page, style it with CSS and structure the content. 
Skills to learn –  HTML, CSS and JavaScript

2. Create a Simple Quiz Game with Javascript

Javascript basically lets you change/update CSS or HTML using its functionalities. Technically, it is a web programming language that can calculate, manipulate and validate data. You can make your webpage more interactive and dynamic using Javascript. Get to know and learn more about javascript libraries and frameworks as you start building a project. You can speed up your work using jQuery once you are well versed with plain vanilla JS skills.

Image source: Code Actually

Try building a simple quiz game using Javascript. Find the comprehensive tutorial on building a quiz game using javascript in a tutorial from Code Actually and one from Sitepoint
If you think that you want to enhance your portfolio, here is the list of a few interesting features you can try adding to your site. 

  1. Interactive elements
  2. Accordions, sliders, carousels and other dynamic elements

Skills to learn – Javascript and jQuery

3. A Responsive Virtual Keyboard Design 

When you are mastering the javascript techniques, it is also crucial to create a responsive design. Responsive design refers to the alignment or organization of the web elements in an elegant way with respect to the size of any browser. This makes your web application look beautiful in all devices including mobiles, tablets, laptops and others.  This responsive design helps in usability and in SEO. 
To build a responsive virtual keyboard, you will only need Javascript, HTML and CSS knowledge.

Or if you want to make your portfolio more responsive, you can do it by using HTML and CSS. Learn more about the following. 

  • media queries,
  • breakpoints, and
  • Columns and grid layouts.

4. Build a weather app with dark mode

You can build a beautiful weather application using plain JS, CSS and HTML by incorporating Dark Sky API to fetch weather information. So, you will also learn to interact with APIs. The same can be built using Angular 8 framework. With the help of numerous libraries like Beautiful UI, you will learn about server-side rendering and Dark mode. The best part of this project is that you will learn from the design to the deployment.

Skills to learn – Javascript, Angular 8, AJAX and more.  Click on the image to read the tutorial by Hamed Baatour.

5. A Dynamic Landing Page using Boostrap

Once you have mastered the fundamentals of front end development that is HTML, CSS and Javascript, you can now level up yourself by checking out the abilities of Bootstrap. It simplifies your work and enhances your productivity. 
With that knowledge, you can create a highly interactive landing page for any product using Bootstrap. You can spice it up by showing the user’s time and name using local storage.

landing page using bootstrap
Image source: AB tasty

You can try to recreate some of your favourite landing pages using Bootstrap

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