GoldenGate in Oracle
GoldenGate is a feature in Oracle Database that provides real-time data replication and integration between different database systems. GoldenGate captures and routes transactional data changes between databases in real-time, enabling high availability, disaster recovery, and other use cases.
Here is an example of configuring GoldenGate:
GGSCI (source system)> CREATE SUBDIRS
GGSCI (source system)> DBLOGIN USERID ggate, PASSWORD ggate
GGSCI (source system)> ADD EXTRACT my_extract, TRANLOG, BEGIN NOW
GGSCI (source system)> ADD EXTTRAIL /u01/ggate/dirdat/my_extract, EXTRACT my_extract
GGSCI (target system)> CREATE SUBDIRS
GGSCI (target system)> DBLOGIN USERID ggate, PASSWORD ggate
GGSCI (target system)> ADD REPLICAT my_replicat, EXTTRAIL /u01/ggate/dirdat/my_extract, BEGIN NOW
This example configures GoldenGate to replicate changes from a source database to a target database. An extract process is created on the source system to capture changes from the transaction log, and a replicat process is created on the target system to apply those changes to the target database. The directories and user credentials used in this example should be adjusted to match the specific configuration.
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